
1 year and I had it removed

December 30, 2009

Towards the end of November I realized that I was depressed. It came on slow, so it took me a while to put things into perspective. At first I was sad around the time of my period. Then it stretched into the week before. And then it was the week before and after. Finally I was in an emotional pit for two months. A lot of staring, wanting to stay in bed and a wicked temper.

I knew that depression was usually either hormonal or situational. Current feelings aside, I was very happy situationally. That left hormonally. I’d never done well with other birth control (pills, ring, patch) as they always depleted my sex drive, but I’d never responded with depression. So I went through my blog, reading over the last year and figured it was the freakin’ Mirena.

So, short story long I decided to have the Mirena removed. My Doctor tried to talk me out of it, seeing as how it was super effective and had four years left on it. He pointed out that research hadn’t proved that the Mirena caused depression. I thanked him and told him I’d take my chances.

While the insertion was painful, the removal was completely painless. It literally went like this:

DOCTOR: Cough.

ME: (cough)

DOCTOR: Okay, done.

He told me I’d have a period in 28 days. But by 28 days he must have meant the next day, because I woke up with cramps and the heaviest flow I’ve ever experienced.

But the depression lifted almost immediately. 6 weeks and 2 periods later and it still hasn’t returned.  I’ll take it.

Dear Mirena – thanks for not letting me get pregnant. Of course, that might have been because I spent the first six months bleeding and the next six depressed. It’s hard to say…


**I would like to emphasize that this is a support site, NOT a medical site, and any “advice” expressed here–including comments left by people claiming to be doctors–should be treated as opinions ONLY. **


  1. How do you feel after the mirena has been taken out? Is there any severe bleeding or any bleeding at all? How long did it take your body to adjust or get back to normal

    • Hi Kita,

      Physically, hormonally and emotionally I feel great now that the Mirena has been removed. The depression has completely lifted and there were no symptoms of anything else to take its place. The only bleeding I experienced was connected to my period, which was heavy for the next four days and then stopped completely a few days after. There was no bleeding or discomfort in the doctor’s office or anything like that. The doctor said that my body would adjust immediately since the hormones were being removed, and not added. And for once he was right. It was pretty seamless.


    • Hi!
      I am 4 months post partum and have had the Mirena since my 8(ish) weeks checkup, so it’s been about 8 weeks I guess!
      Seems like longer than 2 months… I had a similar experience with the constant “muddy bleeding” and cramping. I also had never had PMS symptoms before the Mirena. (By “symptoms” I mean severe mood swings, depression, headaches, stomach aches, cramping…etc) I had only tried pills before and they, like the Mirena, caused me to have some anxiety and heightened emotional sensitivity. I was really easily agitated and sometimes completely irrationally upset over the slightest thing! Once I realized it was hormonal because of the pills (because it was SO unlike my normal personality and disposition) I decided to go off the birth control. My husband and I decided that we’d let nature and God take their course and if we were meant to have a baby then we would! A few months later I was pregnant! We were surprised and nervous but also excited. (getting distracted here, but want to note that our baby girl is the most wonderful blessing!!)
      I decided I didn’t want to have another baby right away; mostly because I was dealing with postpartum hormonal and physical recovery and all the sleepless nights that the first couple months include. By my doctors suggestion, I decided to try the Mirena. I wouldn’t be responsible to remember to take a pill every day and I wouldn’t have to suffer from my allergy to adhesives (I used the patch for 3 very itchy uncomfortable days hah) and I would “..just love it!” the doctor predicted.
      Well, I can’t say that it’s been an awful experience in terms of physical pain or discomfort, but the bleeding for the first 4-5 weeks was pretty obnoxious… Mostly I’m struggling with the emotional/mental alteration. Reading your blog has really opened my eyes and made me realize how depressive I have been. I have trouble motivating myself to get out of bed. I don’t want to be around friends and family as much. I’m usually a positive and generally joyful person, but I feel a lot more like Eeyore and much less like my usual Tigger-self these days…
      I’ve been considering having it removed, honestly, since day 1. I was actually walking out of the doctors office and thinking “I don’t think I really want this… I’m just not comfortable with the idea of the hormones and something foreign in my body.”
      But I pushed those thoughts aside to give it a fair try. After reading other women’s stories and, lately, seeing the lawsuit commercials (scary!!) and recognizing my own real feelings (plus- I’m having major hair loss!! It’s falling out like there’s something to run from!!) I’m going to call and make an appointment to have it removed.
      I just don’t trust it and I want to be myself again.
      I’ll take the monthly period and the chance of baby #2 coming sooner than “planned.” I just want peace of mind.

      Thank you for sharing your experience.


  2. Well thats good to hear! Its been two months for me since I had it removed and this is my second period and for some reason I am running like a faucet its going on day number 9 for my period and I cant figure out why its still going strong, I feel like its some after effect from the mirena. My first period wasnt this bad, it was only 5 days long and a normal period for me only lasts 4 days. Hopefully, this will be over sooner than later its beginning to make me feel very weak 😦

  3. Dear Person,
    I have had the Mirena for a year. I had a twin birth, and the doctor suggested the Mirena to me. I have tried the pills and they make me depressed, and gain unusal amounts of weight. The past two months with the Mirena I have been experiencing sharp cramps and abdomenal pains, and spotting. I called my doctor and he said there was nothing to worry about, unless I was bleeding a lot. I think there is something not right with the Mirena. I can’t get my doctor to understand what the problem is and he is trying to talk me out of it, but I really want to have it taken out. Do you have any advise for me?

    • Hi Venesha,

      I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I also had a hard time getting the my doctor to understand that I wanted the Mirena out. He felt that all of the symptoms I complained about could have been caused by anything. He tried to talk me out of it too, claiming that there was no better form of birth control, but it was a really rocky year for me. I’ve never regretted having it removed.

      I’d say if YOU think it’s causing problems, go with what YOU think. I’m not sure just how much they really know about the Mirena, anyway.


  4. I just had my mirena inserted today & wish i would found some of this info before i got it done today. My dr. sounded like was a piece of cake so i had no worries really. Well after it was all done only took few mins~~ I felt really dizzy i stayed at the drs office for over 2 hrs i am still not sure how i got home i drove but i dont remember driving. My vision was kinda blurry. Right now, I still feel weak, dizzy worst headache & very tired.

  5. I’m so glad to read these posts. I’ve been depressed like I never imagined. Got Mirena after my second baby. Was diagnosed with post partum depression, but now I’m really thinking it could have been Mirena all along. I’m calling my obgyn in the morning!

    • I hope everything works out, Melissa, and that your doctors are supportive. I know a lot of women who’ve had wonderful Mirena experiences, but I’m still so grateful that I had mine removed!

  6. Wow this is like reading my own story. I had a baby 5 months ago. I had a depo shot before leaving the hospital and the Mirena inserted 2 months ago. My daughter was born 16 weeks premature and I was a little emotional the first 3 months (who wouldn’t be), but the last 2 months I’ve been like a crazy woman. I have an appt with my OBGYN in 30 minutes because I thought I was suffering from postpartum depression, but now I think it’s from the Mirena. I’ve had 2 other children and never felt like this afterwards. I am a raving lunatic some days. Emotionally I feel like I’ve had the worst PMS I’ve ever had in my life for the last 2 months straight!! I think this thing is coming out.

    • I’m so sorry, Angie! That sounds horrible. I can’t imagine juggling that kind of depression with three kids, two was hard enough. I just remember how suffocating it felt. And helpless. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck!

  7. Omg, I am SO happy to find out it’s not just me! Had Mirena inserted in May 2011. It is now 6 months later and I’m an emotional wreck! At first I thought I was just having a bad month with PMS but then I realized that it was happening every month and getting worse and worse. This month is the final straw. I spent ALL weekend in bed, so depressed I could barely peel myself up to eat and shower. I don’t usually cry easily at all but I’ve cried almost every day this week! One day I even felt like life was hopeless and not worth living! Not to mention that I started breaking out like a teenager after the first month. Get this thing outta me! I’m calling to make an appointment to get this thing removed ASAP!

    • Good luck, Shannon! I hope everything works out and that you start feeling better soon!

      • Oh Shannon! I feel the same way!!!! I had my PJs on ALL day yesterday and only got up to eat…or did I? No I didn’t! I had a smoothie and went back to bed! I spent all day in bed on my laptop! Doing what? Facebook! FIVE hours on FB! WTH is wrong with me? OK…I showered at 7 PM, put on clean PJs and ate dinner at 8 PM which consisted of TEN Ferrer Rocher chocolate candies! This depressed, hopeless person is NOT me! It has to be the Mirena! Yes I have PMS about a week before my period but THIS goes wayyyyy beyond PMS! This has become AMMS…All Month Menstrual Syndrome! I will not spend 2012 like this! I’m so glad I found this site!

  8. I am sitting at my laptop trying to figure out why I can’t sleep. I’ve been awake since 3:55 AM and it’s now 7:13 AM! I have terrible headaches nearly EVERYDAY! And I want to cry for three weeks out of the month! I’ve had my Mirena for almost 3 years…after baby 3 because I never wanted a ‘surprise’ like that AGAIN! Now I am depressed A LOT! I can’t focus! I’m angry and I have NO energy! And the WORST…I’m indecisive! I don’t know if that’s related to Mirena but I haven’t been able to make a decision without second guessing for about 2 years! Should I do the laundry or clean the kitchen! Consign these clothes or just Goodwill them? Feed the kids or let them eat cereal for dinner! Dinner!!! Oh boy! What’s for dinner?!?! That causes me such frustration! See I’m off on a tangent! Now do you see what I’m dealing with? Looks like I need to call my OB/GYN today!!!

    • I hope you’re feeling better, Veda Speaks! Everything you’ve experienced would be overwhelming if you dealt with one symptom at a time, but all together and with three kids? You must be one super strong woman!

      PS: If removing the Mirena helps with indecisiveness I’ll be totally jealous because I haven’t made a quick decision since…hmmm…middle school? High school? Elementary?

      • I have an appt scheduled for Jan 23rd. As for the indecision, I hope removing the Mirena will help me make a decision! I’ll let you know!

  9. You sound just like me. Mirena was my last option too, as hormones screw me up like nobody’s business, and due to complications after baby #1 of 2, condoms feel like friggin sandpaper. I would have got my tubes done but the Powers That Be were reluctant as I’m only 22….then I found out it causes rather severe hormone stuff ups too, and stopped asking.

    Soooooo Mirena it was….yeah, only the worst decision ever. Nearly one year on exactly and our marriage is now at breaking point. I don’t feel a damn thing for anyone, not even my kids. I’m in robot mode and the thought of my hubby touching me, let alone having sex, makes my skin crawl. I’ve also had not a single spot of blood, and although I’m not missing the SAVAGE PAIN of heavy periods, I’m sure that can’t be good for me, right?

    I tried to get the beast out a few months ago but, of course, it had to have disappeared somewhere inside me, and I’m now on the (long) waiting list to have it removed, perhaps surgically, at the hospital. In the meantime, I’m going down to the chemist today to see if I can get St John’s Wort, then I’m going to harrass the hospital – starting to have fleeting thoughts of leaving, and even ‘permanent’ leaving, if you get the picture.
    Can’t wait to have it out, thanks so much for documenting your (excellently written) journey; helps me feel like I’m not alone. Please cross your fingers for me that I can get it out soon, and that our marriage does not suffer any permanent damage…


    • It’s lost? The whole thing? And they’re making you wait? I’m so sorry, K. This is beyond upsetting. (And I know we don’t know each other, but please shoot me an email if you ever want or need someone to talk to about this stuff. I won’t have all the answers, but you are certainly not alone in this.) You can reach me at ck(at)badmommymoments(dot)com.

    • You said that you found out that having your tubes tied causes “rather severe hormone stuff ups too” What do you mean by that? I was never told that there could be any side effects to my tubal ligation other than possible ectopic pregnancy. My hormones have been screwy my whole life I would intentionally do something to make that worse. I chose to have a tubal because I have had 3 sons, all while on birth control, and they are absolutely the best things in my life but I didnt want another surprise especially after three difficult deliveries and a newly learned family history of thyroid disease.

      • Hi there, thought I would update 🙂 I FINALLY, after fighting for several months, got the mirena removed 6 days ago. I cried with relief! I felt quite bloated for a few days, like when you have your period, but that stopped today and now I feel lighter than I ever have done! I had gone up from 52kg to 59kg in a year ; doesn’t sounds like much but that was heavier than I ever had been (apart from when I was pregnant). I havn’t weighed myself yet but I’m really hoping I will start losing weight again now.
        I’ve been having bad headaches almost every day that don’t seem to go away with painkillers – perhaps withdrawal type symptoms? I only had mild – moderate bleeding for a couple of days, with no cramping. I am SOOOO happy to finally be free! I had to go on citalopram in January, all because of the mirena – the Drs of course denied that it was causing my depression and advised me to leave it in and see a therapist. I ignored them!!
        Mia – try researching ‘post tubal ligation syndrome’. My auntie had it and then had to have the mirena put in to control her heavy periods. I don’t mean to scare you but I would want you to be aware of possible hormonal effects of a TL. 🙂

  10. I have an appt. tomorrow to have mine removed! I have gained a serious amount of weight and had severe depression. I also have acne that is worse than I ever had as a teenager. I’m nervous about what to do for birth control from here. I don’t want to do anything permenent yet but I really don’t think I want any more hormones. I’m really hoping the depresion and wieght gain will be corrected with the removal. I must admit I’m a little nervous. It makes me feel a lot better to see these comments and know that the mirena is most likely the cause of this depression. Thank you for being so candid – it has really helped me to make the decission to have it removed! Here’s hoping it turns out well!

    • Good luck, Priscilla! I hope that removing the Mirena solves these issues for you. (Keep me posted!)

  11. Just read the whole year of Mirena and I keep trying to be optimistic about mine. I just got it 2 days ago, I spent more than 5 years on Depo and I loved it! It evened me out moodwise, no pms, a little weight gain but nothing drastic (mostly my breasts got bigger,) no periods, great skin. I quit the Depo because I had teeth issues, root canals, cavities in front teeth and a couple removals that I could only attribute to the Depo.

    I spent a year without any BC just condoms, I’m in a long term relationship without any kids (never been pregnant) This past year with a normal period was horrible, PMS like crazy, panic attacks, mood swings, depression, feeling like my relationship was over, that I decided enough was enough, I needed BC so I researched everything, the implant isn’t available and I wanted something long term and I suck at remembering pills. So I got the Mirena, my partner has good benefits so the cost was less than $40.

    The insertion was uncomfortable but not tot he extent that some make it out to be, I felt a little nausea but I had drank 3 cups of coffee in less than 4 hours (nervous) and it hurt to bend over after but so far 3rd day in and no blood, a little after period type mud but I’m not too far off my period ending so that’s normal. I’m keeping track of my progress when I found your site. Fingers crossed that my experience is a good one. Thanks for sharing your experiences. (sorry my post is so long) 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story, Chicky82. I’ve known many women who’ve had good experiences with the Mirena – here’s to hoping we can add you to that list!

      • PS: I’m totally jealous of those benefits!

      • Just an update: I’ve had mine over a month and except for a couple of odd periods (light, muddy colored and not at regular time) I’ve never felt better. I’ve been able to find the strings no problem and unless I lift something really heavy I don’t feel anything. I’ve had my checkup and everything is in place and looking good. I feel calm and no depression, panic attacks and my relationship is great, we are looking into buying a house 🙂 I wish the Mirena worked for everyone as it’s great for me so far.

  12. […] One year and I had it removed  […]

  13. I just had my second Mirena inserted. My first was fine, no pain at insertion, very little bleeding, etc. The nurse practitioner (femal) at my OB’s office did that insertion. The actual OB (male) did the removal and insertion of the second, just a couple of weeks ago. OMG, the pain that time was horrible! And I bled for a week after. I didn’t have to be on my period for either insertion. I don’t know if this time is any different from last time. I hope I get the same good results as I got for the last five years. Just wanted to share. Thanks for creating this forum.

  14. Thank you for having this! I haven’t felt like myself in a long time. Flat at times, unhappy, detached from my beautiful, amazing children and wonderful husband. It’s got to be the Mirena.
    Last month I was more depressed than I ever have been in my life. I even told my husband It would be easier to die than to live like this. What? Who the heck said that? I am not that person. I have nothing to be so depressed about. I am not bipolar either. I have perspective on life. I am the laid back kind of girl. It’s got to be this Mirena. So I’m afraid if I take it out. I already have three kids. What do I do? Maybe there is some truth in Natural Family Planning?

  15. Hi! I read your blog with mouth wide open! it was so recognisable!
    i’ve had my mirena removed for about 2 weeks ago after suffering depressionlike moods, having no energy for nothing at all, no libido and always tired!!The pil wasn’t good for me, every period 3 days eating nothing but ibuprofen because of severe headaches! mirena seemed to be THE SOLUTION but now i know it wasn’t. i haven’t had a period since the removal but i already feel better: less tired, not so down anymore, libido is going up ;)….
    Only one more thing for me to say: NEVER AGAIN!

  16. I have had the mirena for 48 days and stopped bleeding for 3 of those days 😦 ive been depressed,moody,cramps,feeling sick ect I hate and will be getting it taken out as I dont feel as tho it has done me any good and to have to use tampons every day many times a day has become very exoensive and as for the “light spotting” well mine was not light ever at times I thought it was gone it turned out not to be 😦 hate mirena .just thought id share that as all other ppl ive spoken to swear by it

  17. I’m having mine removed Monday ( hopefully). I know it has caused my severe depression and anxiety. Would have been dead already if I wasn’t so against suicide but the wishes were there. So bad I admitted myself into outpatient therapy. I never ever did well with artificial hormones either. Got the mirena so I could have sex anxiety free but I’m so depressed now and full of anxiety that defers me from sex on top of just constantly being gross down there. Email me and I can tell you more. Good luck! Thanks for the site. 🙂

  18. Not sure if this is the best place to post my story/question, but here goes:

    I had my Mirena insterted 11 months ago. By the time I was considering it, the Canadian Mirena site had been updated and clearly listed depression as a possible side effect. When I went for my first consult, I specifically asked the nurse and the doctor about the depression side effect, and disclosed my medical history to them. I have a life-long diagnoses of dysthymia, and have had multiple episodes of major depression. I have spent years learning to manage my depression through medication and talk therapy, and was in great shape at the time despite being 11 months post-partum. I didn’t want to mess this up. Both the nurse and doctor said they’d never heard of Mirena causing depression.

    My first post-Mirena “crash” was a month after it was inserted. My family doctor attributed it to life stressors–I was returning to work for the first time after having a baby, and was facing some difficult preformance reviews at work. I continued to struggle most of the year, hovering between depression and anxiety. I had a really big crash 8 months after getting Mirena. At that time, I asked my family doctor about the Mirena, and he said there was no way such a low hormone dose could worsen my depression.

    Yesterday, I went back to the reproductive health clinic to consult with them about my depression. The nurse I spoke to this time said 1) she’d seen plenty of patients come back to have the Mirena removed because of depression 2) she was horrified that the first nurse I saw didn’t tell me Mirena might be contraindicated for someone with my depression history and 3) she was frustrated that the initial nurse hadn’t suggested the copper IUD as an alternative.

    The doctor I saw was a bit more reserved. She said these symtoms might disappear after the one year month mark, and suggested I stick it out another 3 months. (She also said the depression was more likely regular post-partum depression. I don’t get how I could have absolutely no post-partum depression for 11 months, then have it for months 12-22 of my son’s life.) Then she offered to prescribe me a second anti-depressant and medication to help with acne. When I told her I was uncomfortable taking more drugs just so I could keep Mirena, and that, had I known increased depression was a possibility I never would have gotten it in the first place, she was immediately on board. She did the test swabs right away, and said I could get an appointment to switch the Mirena for the copper IUD as early as next week.

    Now my question is: should I go ahead and get the copper IUD? I know that I’ll have heavier, crampier periods, but I’m happy to take those if it means I’m not depressed. But what other scary side-effects might come with this that I haven’t been told about?

  19. I got a mirena in January, and I hate it. My mood is up and down, it seems like I always have a period and the cramping is horrible. This shit needs to get out now!

  20. Thanks for detailing the journey. I’ll chime in; I had a history of mood alteration on birth control and so avoided it completely for many years, but my OB insisted there was very little chance of that with this.

    One year on? Mirena may not be the only problem, but teasing out the month-long roller coaster ride definitely points to it contributing. I’m so glad others have agreed that they noticed a difference. My doctors continue to dismiss it as unlikely.

    Definitely no chance of pregnancy, though. I’d rather pierce my ears with an ice pick than have sex, at this point! Thanks, Mirena! 🙂

  21. I got my Mirena last year. I was in relationship that had high potential but with both of us working towards our Phd I decided it was best not to risk a baby. First time I was on birth control I got the pill. I was 18. One month later I missed the first week of my freshman year at college because I had not one but 2 massive pulmonary embolisms, an countless smaller one. 5 years later I discovered mirena and thought it was my answer. I was wrong.

    It was ok at first, with small episodes of emotion around my period but then it got worst. When my relationship was on the verge of no longer existing due to my depression, fights of rage, and being irrational I got it out.

    A weeks later I’m no better. I lose it if my partner words things wrong. On your vacation to Monterey California I could tell he was one fight away from leaving. After a simple comment about putting my toothbrush on the sink at Hotel (he a little weird about germs but not extreme) I lost it. My thoughts became clouded and I had an awful fit. He was done. Sitting in our beach side room he called it quits.

    After I calmed down I would always look back at the fight and not recognize how I was or remember some of the things I had said or why I was upset. This NEVER happened before mirena.

    My depression is worse than ever a week after removal. The doctors don’t warn you about this. If I had know I would have abstained from sex in order to not lose myself.

  22. Hi guys I need your advice. I have a few questions I want to ask but can’t find answers anywhere. What if you are on anti-depressants and then get the mirena? Would this cancel out some of the side affects?

    I am considering getting it done. My doctor is not encouraging me getting it done, nor telling me not to. He explained all of the symptoms-good, bad and horrible. I am currently on the pill and find it is not working (periods coming randomly, not every 28 days as the pill I’m on is meant to do).

    I just want my periods gone. I have no children but plan to later on in life. I have tried lots of different contraceptions and want to find the right one for me.

    What should I do? My boyfriend is especially worried about the strings. What is it made out of? Cotton, wire, what? He’s worried he’s going to feel it or that it may poke him.

  23. So happy I found this, I’m not completely alone : )
    I had gotten the mirena back in 2008 , wasn’t due to come out til 2013. This past year I would experience painful cramping, spotting every time i would go for a jog or after intercourse. Had the hardest time losing weight and managing my depression.
    I had asked the Dr. if we could just take it out and let my body be natural for a while and see if it helps at all. Well after about 2 months of being mirena free my periods came back like clock work. Normal. Then I got into a serious relationship (getting married this october ! ) So I was feeling pretty good about asking the Dr. to give me a fresh mirena and see if things might be better with this one. And main reason i wanted it back, I hate periods. Bleh. Well, with this one i got it put in just this April , so its been 4 months. I have experiences the most brutal depression i have ever encountered, seriously feeling like the ugliest person in the world, hating myself. Constantly hoping and praying to get over this and through this without losing my amazing fiance, who was completely supportive throughout all of this. I remember days when I would feel like i couldn’t turn my happy switch on, that emotion just didn’t exist in my brain, it was horrible. I had no reason to be unhappy. My life is amazing. My son asked me one day why I was so crabby , and I said I don’t know because sadly i didn’t. I finally decided i had to do something about this, I went to the dr and just sobbed in her office, telling her how in felt and just hated it. She prescribed me with an anti depressant, Lexapro. I noticed a slight gradual change, not being so hard on myself all the time kinda change. Not dramatic, not fixing or getting rid of my brutal depression id say there was a 30% difference. in my mood and attitude.
    Throughout this past 4 months Ive had this new mirena , Ive experienced a lot of random spotting and bleeding , especially after jogging and intercourse, more so than ever before, followed by days of cramping. My fiance and I had discussed having it removed and trying something else for birth control. I just hated the idea of getting my period again. But by the grace of God after a jog the other day i notices a strange feeling in my vagina, when i showered i was going to check the placement of the mirena and sure enough it was near falling out ! I was a little scared at first but remembered my friend told me she had pulled her own out too, so with a good tug, it was out. Period started up right away that night, like niagra falls, yuck lol.
    But I felt a near instant lift out of the darkness of the depression i had been in so hopelessly. The iud had fallen out on saturday and I remember as i was sitting at work on monday thinking to myself, “here I am ! ” Ive been missing feeling like myself, happy go lucky me : ) I feel for the first time in a very long long time like my self, like i can smile and be happy and truly feel happy. Perfect timing when its 38 days til my wedding !
    Now, 4 days after the mirena has fallen out, and a Dr. appointment later, I feel on top of the world. My bleeding is now slowing down alot, some cramping still.
    Now on the search for another birth conrol, a lil nervous bt going into it now with alot more wisdom and insight : )
    I’m planning on trying Seasonale, any one hesrd of this god or bad ?

  24. How long after the removal did your anxiety subside? Ive had my mirena out for 3 months now and although its better it hasnt completely dissapeared?

  25. Another update: I’m at the nearly 9 month mark with my mirena and I’m still doing great on it! No periods, no weight gain (if anything I’ve lost weight) I have had some moodiness which I can contribute to the stress over the last few months with a big move, partner’s job change and finding out more problems with our house then we thought when we first bought it. I always check my mirena and it’s always where it’s supposed to be.
    I know that many women have had trouble with it and I’m very sympathetic to their stories but getting the mirena for me has been one of the best birth control/life style choices that I have ever made.
    I hope those who have had a terrible experience with mirena can find a birth control that works for them.

  26. Ok, so i have had my mirena for almost 2 1/2 years and it has not been the best experience at all. i always have realy heavy periods since i got this crap and im super moody now! im sure my kids father hates me sometime because he usually gets my wrath. but any how for the month of August and this month of September i havent had a cycle and i have gained like 10lbs!! uggh super depressing and im have lower abdominable pains sometimes during intercourse and sometimes just randomly…but i also havent been able to feel the strings and im really not sure whats goin on has anyone had this problem before because i have never not had a cycle im really freaked out!!

  27. I had mine removed today!!! And so glad to say I never experienced any side effects. No period, no depression, no mentrual pains… NOTHING!!! So, no the waiting game!!! We would really like to start a family, so let hope my period returns quickly!!! (gosh, never thought that I’ll ever say that!) 🙂

  28. I have had my mirena for almost 3yrs and have had nothing but problems yet I have not became pregnant again which is why I still have it. Recently I have become extremely mood, I have gained like 12lbs and for for the month of August and now this month I have not had a cycle it bothers me because since I got this crap all I have done was bleed and now all of a sudden it stops and in addition to that I can no longer find my strings and I’m freaked out cuz I don’t know whats goin on has anyone else had a similar situation??

    • Hi Ashanti,

      I’m so sorry to hear about everything going on for you right now. I haven’t read of an experience exactly like yours, but I’ve read about different combinations of similar symptoms. (And I certainly experienced the moodiness/depression.) Have you spoken with your doctor? If nothing else they’d at least be able to figure out why you can’t find the strings. I also did a quick check on sudden weight gain and missed periods, and if these symptoms are somehow not connected to the Mirena then a doctor would be the safest place to start. And certainly a better source of information than my google check!

      I wish I had more to offer you in terms of experience, or advice, but please feel free to email me if you need/want someone to vent to. I won’t be able to fix anything, but I’m happy to listen. This sounds extremely overwhelming.

      ck (at) badmommymoments (dot) com

  29. Ok, I need help! I have my Mirena put on 4 months ago, everything was fine untill
    2 days ago, I started feeling this shap pain every time I used the bathroom…. Once I empy my bladder the pain goes away…. And since then I keep getting this sharp pains where my ovaries are! Should I be concern???!

    • Hi Adri,

      This is just my opinion, but it’s always a good idea to keep your doctor in the loop when it comes to things like this. Don’t panic, just call the office and speak with a nurse, or go in and have the doctor look you over.


  30. I recently got my mirena  removed and Omw I’m a witch to say the least, I keep on attacking my husband for no reason, say stuff that I usually never would say. I’m emotional about the smallest issues. I also have a lack of sleeping and appetite. Would love if you can share your experience and maybe give some guidance.  

  31. Hello everyone
    I m glad to read about your stories… I feel a little depressed too, but I try to keep myself busy . I put the mirena 6 months ago… Still has my periods ….
    My main concern ; breast pain … I went to my dr and she found nothing wrong … I m 32 years old with 2 kids… Anyone expecting breast problem.
    Thank you

    • I m so glad I found this site. I thought this was the answer to my prayers when last year I had Mirena inserted. I had it inserted in November of 2011. I had niagra falls periods my whole life so this was supposed to “fix me”. I had accontinous period from November 2011 until February 2012. I went to my Dr several times who told me this was “nomal”. March and April were light periods and then suddenly…no more periods.

      HOWEVER. Since the insertion of Mirena, I have never felt like myself. At first I attributed it to my mothers ailing health. Then the mood swings increased, weight loss halted, the headaches increased, the breast tenderness increased and from May of this year until today, I am a horrible person with horrible mood swings and angry outbursts. I have difficulty focusing and have zero sex drive.

      The other day I woke up and felt like I had an inflated balloon inside my uterus. My breasts HURT- BAD. I was extremely bloated and had terrible pains that were inside my vagina extending all the way along my back. I called the doctor for a check up and was not able to get in for 2 weeks. I started researching because I knew it was the Mirena. I called today and had my “exam and recheck” changed to a “removal”. I’m glad to see the posts as I am looking forward to being normal again. I can deal with the Niagra Falls periods. I can’t deal with the person I have become on this.

  32. Well I’ve had this device for 7yrs.
    And like everyone else Ive had the pain during my normal period time the sharp shooting down my leg during the installation . I use to have abdominal pain a lot but never linked it to the Mirena. Other than that I love it No Period, Protection from another munchin.

  33. Hey everyone I’ve had the mirena about a year and a half and i’m starting to worry more and more…i haven’t had any significant pain or side effects but i’m wondering about the depression part and the sex drive issues….I’ve been having some mood swings and less sex drive but i thought it was just normal. If anyone can help please intrigue me!

  34. Oddly enough, i do agree that mirena has changed my moods, feelings and all together my emotional stability. I’ve had mirena almost 3 yrs., but it wasn’t very long after first having mirena inserted that i stopped and asked myself ‘could it be mirena?’ so hearing others stories, i dont doubt it very well could be. I think i’ll have it removed soon!!

  35. Hi my Mirena was fitted April and about an hour and a half ago I experienced deep stomach cramps during an oddly heavy period which I thought the Mirena would have prevented. About thirty minutes ago out came the Mirena in a supersized clot! Apologies for graphic description. It’s after 9pm in London and I came across your blog whilst searching for others experiences. Not sure what to do next really. A Dr appointment first thing tomorrow seems first course to discuss options. Was concerned about my low moods at times during the six months I had it.

  36. Hi, I’m on my 2nd mirena I’ve been using it for 8 years but I am getting it removed in 2 days because I am having horrible side effects that keep getting worse. I have weight gain, depression, ovarian cysts, dizziness, mood swings, migraines, fatigue, nausea, abdominal and pelvic pain, bloating and acne. So needless to say I wouldnt recommend it to my friends. I just hope all the symptoms go away once its out. Its took me all this time to trace it to my mirena and they fail to tell you all these possible side effects.

  37. While I have read a lot of these comments I haven’t seen my story. I am just at the point of removal it has been in for 5 years. I had an easy insertion and my symptoms of heavy painful periods were gone. My life was full of change my marriage was ending and I had three kids to raise with minimal help from dad. So I am wondering if I missed paying close attention to me. I was just getting ready to take the used one out and go for reinsertion of new. I recently was diagnosed with tyhroidmegaly and need to have nodules in my thyroid biopsied. They could or could not be cancerous. I have been healthy all through my life and there is no family history. All reports about thyroid syptoms I have lean heavy on family history. Although it may be too early in the processnfor me I cant help but think mirena has something to do with it. Anybody have anything like this going on? Pleas let me know.

  38. hey, i’m 17 and my doctor recommended me to go on mirena.. i’m really hesitant and have had problems with emotional issues with medications. do you think it would be better for me just to get on the pill?

    • i’m surprised the doctor recommended mirena. they usually only recommend for people who have already have a child. i might would ask more questions.

  39. i have a question and i’m not sure if anyone can help with this or not. I had my mirena put in about 5 years ago and I am due to have it taken out at the end of this month. The last few months i have been experiencing extreme cramping and pains in my abdominal area. the pain is so bad sometimes that it hurts to even sit down. is this normal since it’s time to have it taken out?

  40. December will make my 6 month relationship with the mirena and I will be having it removed. Like you I have bled and I have been extremely depressed, moody, over all a bitch. Which is completely out of character for me. The most painful thing is the pain in my pelvic area and my lower back (sciatic nerve) totally sucks and I cannot wait to have it removed.

  41. Fyi they have a lawsuit out. They are looking for people who had infections and perforation into the wall. Call 1888 bad drugs.

  42. I can’t believe it took me so long to find this blog… I could have written most of the first year descriptions… the bleeding was ridiculous and very difficult to explain to my husband since. I have not had any significant issues with depression but I absolutely have crazy mood swings, my sex drive is at zero, I have worse acne than I did as a teenager, and despite a fairly rigorous fitness regime I have found it IMPOSSIBLE to lose the belly flab while developing nicely sculpted muscles in both my top and bottom half. I also had issues with the strings. I could feel them (and so could my husband) so I had them cut. Unlike you, my Dr. did not even warn me that it could make removal difficult. At my yearly check the Dr. was unable to locate the Mirena and sent me for an ultrasound to make sure it was still in place. The good news was that it is still in place. I asked the technician who was doing the ultrasound how such devises get removed if the Dr. cannot see them and she casually told me that it would probably be with surgery. I never investigated it further because I had not planned to have it removed but after going through the holidays (again) with all of these HORRIBLE side effects I’m at my limit. My husband has a consultation this week (he’s calling it my birthday present – my birthday is Thursday) to have his side of things taken care of and as soon as we have a plan in place for him I am calling my Dr. to schedule removal. I’m still not sure how involved that will be. I hope that it will be as easy as the “cough” scenario you describe, but my hopes for that are not high. Thank you for posting this. I’m happy to know that after 3 years, it is NOT ME!!!!

  43. I’ve had the contraceptive since 2008 and here it is 01-20-13 and I must say that my experience has been great! From the day of incertion I felt no pain just a little spotting a few days after. I must say that the contraceptive has adapted to my body with no pains few periods that consists of light spotting every other month no depression, as of this year my son will be 6yrs old, as of the contraceptive it shall be removed Feb. 2013. I have been truely blessed!

  44. Well, it is now (nearly) one year on since I had mine removed, and I am so, so happy it’s gone. I had to go on anti-depressents m and have counselling for the depression caused by the mirena (and severe pregnancies, and PTS from my first birth!), and they did no good for me either – they sorted out my head space, but made me put on weight and reduced my libido. However I took the plunge and came off them a few months ago now, and I am finally recovering. My body, mind and relationship are healing – with a lot of prayer too! God bless your awesome supportive website that helps women to not feel so alone! I know it helped me at my lowest point, even to just share how I was feeling.x

  45. Hi,
    I also had the Mirena. I lasted 1 year and a half before I realized I had lost the person I was. I used to be described as “outgoing, happy and fun”. I am 22 years old and I want women to know what the Mirena can cause. I’ve never been depressed or anxious. The Mirena was great for about 6 months. Gradually I stopped wanting to do anything. And I mean anything. I’m a bartender and very social by nature. I couldn’t drag myself to go out anymore. I was living a nightmare. It got to the point where I knew I wanted it out, but had so much anxiety I couldn’t even bring myself to go to a doctor. Being around so many people made me so nervous. My hair became brittle, I started having a problem with alcohol, and ruined all my relationships. I finally took the mirena out myself. I had had enough. It’s been 3 months and I’m back to me! I’ve never been happier! I go out, I try new things, I don’t cry for no reason anymore! It’s truly scary how much affect this had on my life. Women need to know this, my doctor never warned me. The pamphlet never warned me. The only way I figured out it was the mirena was from blogs. Get it out now! Good luck ladies!

    • Kristyn how did you manage to get it out yourself? mine is actually falling out and is causing pain and bleeding and don’t want to spend the money to have it removed. I had the mirena in for a year and a half. I loved the mirena until 3 months ago I started with the cramps and spotting in between periods. I went to my obgyn and he informed me that it has fallen out of place but would still do its job so I never had it removed but now I am regretting it

  46. I had my first mirena put in August of 2012. In september, on my birthday I was hospitalized on my birthday, September 14th for intense cramping and bleeding. My doctor told me I had gotten pregnant with mirena, and I was having a miscarraige. I lost so much blood within and hour I had to have a blood transfusion as well as an emergency DNC to stop the bleeding. My doctor told me it was a rare case, and it would never happen again. After healing, in November, a new Mirena was put in. (Take note, I have a strange condition that causes heavy bleeding, irregularity, and horrible cramps, and I had tried EVERY method.) A week into it, I was in so much pain I couldn’t walk. It escalated every hour and finally when I went to the emergency room, they had found bleeding in my abdomen from where mirena had gone through my uterus and has also caused PID. I had emergency surgery and they had to removed one of my fellopian tubes due to infection. I had sworn of Mirena altogether. They told me the infection would go away. On January 28th I was taken into surgery again for a laproscopic hysterectomy. There were too many adhesions and the infection has caused my reproductive organs to fuze together and to my abdomen. I couldnt eat, sleep, walk, and I was stuck going to the bathroom in diapers because I couldn’t control my bladder or bowels. Everything is better now, except my chance to have another child was taken from me. I am 22 years old. What happen to me was rare I am sure, but.. I am still trying to deal with what I am now, and.. posting this was just kind of.. a release of whats building up inside. Thanks to anyone who listened.

    • Wow! That is crazy! I am sorry so much happened to you with being on the Mirena. I am getting mine removed Monday. It has caused me to get crazy infections and I bleed every other week for no reason. My husband doesn’t like to have sex if I am bleeding at all. Anyway, I will pray you find peace. God has a plan for you.

  47. Nine months in and I had it removed THIS MORNING!!! I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was on such an emotional roller coaster that my husband begged me to get checked. When I found this blog I immediately made an appointment to have it removed. I can’t believe I waited this long and didn’t even think that my crappy outlook was due to my Mirena. No more mood swings! No more gunk that makes me run to the bathroom. No more crying at the drop of a hat just because. I cannot wait to move on from this! Thank you for this website!

  48. Hi all. Had my mirena removed after 17 days of non stop bleeding and extreme PMS. So glad its out. My dr was really nice about it. At first she discussed options to make me change my mind but I didn’t want to hear it. I wanted it removed. Discovered that she had hers removed after a year too. I coudln’t handle the blEeding and the emotions and didn’t want to waste a few months to see if it changed. A good decision for me. Just bleeding still and hoping it will stop soon. Dr gave me meds and the mini pill to make the bleeding stop. Its progestrone based as well so hope it works! On day 2, post removal. Can’t wait for bleeding to stop. Thank you for this blog. I probably would have had it removed but so glad other people had the same experience. Didn’t make me feel guilty for not giving it a chance.

  49. So I got Mirena put in (after the birth of my son) on Sept 2 2010. And it HURT going in. It was not a “bearable” pain like a lot of women say it was. I wanted to jump up and leave the room at that point, but I stuck it out because I knew that I didn’t need to be getting pregnant for awhile. I felt awful afterward, like dizzy and tired and having bad cramps. I went home and laid in bed with my son for the next week. I also had intense bleeding and cramps for a MONTH after I got the IUD. I went thru probably about 6 jumbo pads a day. And I called my OBGYN and she said this was NORMAL. What the fuck is normal about awful cramps and bleeding for a month? Beyond me.

    So once those terrible side effects quieted down let me tell you what my regular symptoms are with Mirena: Increased chance of getting UTI and Kidney infections (I’ve had 5 or 6 in the past 2 years & only 2 prior to Mirena—I’m 22 years old). Also I feel legit pregnant about 3 to 5 times a WEEK, I get queasy and my ribs start hurting and my ankles swell up. This is not normal. It feels so real I typically take 2 pregnancy tests every 2 months. On top of that if I wanted to feel pregnant all the time I would be pregnant all the time. My period hardly ever comes and when it does, it lasts a day. Most women think this is a plus, but I do not. This means something is wrong to me. This makes me wonder how much estrogen is being pumped into my body and makes me feel very concerned. And I also highly think the mirena causes my extreme depression, anxiety and mood swings, because it all started that day I first had it inserted. And it’s not the root cause of these issues, it is a huge magnifier because I never used to be this bad.

    And the cherry on the cake is that I had an xray done because I went to the hospital for a kidney infection and I asked them to check for my mirena strings and THEY COULD NOT BE FOUND. So my mirena has shifted to be completely inside my uterus, strings and all. They said that it seemed fine from the xray but that he was not a OBGYN and I needed to have it checked out, but I cant afford to (this was 8 months ago). If I go see anyone I am demanding that it be removed. Hopefully without surgery and without any cysts or cancer.

    http://su1c1d3blond3.tumblr.com/ <-contact me here

  50. Reading this blog is like mapping out the road ahead of me, so I am freaking out a little bit! I have never had a problem with anxiety, until maybe a month ago I noticed it getting worse. This makes me wonder if it is the Mirena I had put in 6 weeks ago. No depression, just anxiety. And so far, constant bleeding. Just when I think it has stopped, it comes back full force after maybe 12 hours. I had Mirena for 2 1/2 years from 2008 to 2010. No problems! Perfect thing ever! So I got it again.. now it is a nightmare! The dr. tells me that it is because hormones change in women around 24 and that is what is happening in addition to the Mirena. She really wants me to wait a year, with a 24/7 period or not, before having it removed. I just paid the $200 balance for this thing after insurance coverage and I just want it out now so I can have sex without being on a period. After 2 kids, I am already a little self conscious so the bleeding is not helping at all…

  51. You are freaking hilarious. You really should write a book! You’re a great writer. I just had Mirena put in a week ago. I’ve had terrible responses to even the lowest dose birth control pills…so I thought it was worth a try. But I’ve read so many negative reviews that I’m now very nervous to have this foreign object inside of me. Blgh! This first week was HORRIBLE. Really bad cramps (and I never got cramps that badly before). I hear in the beginning that’s normal, so I guess I will give it a few months. But it is very helpful to read a blog like this, because if I have any similar symptoms I’m just going to take it out save myself the long-term hassle. Thanks for the great blog!

  52. I just had mine removed yesterday.. it was good to me 3 years with out a period except I did have pains in my ovaries also whenever I would exercise I would come home and SURPRISE I was bleeding bad cramps… so i had to take it out…. removal NO PAIN insertion PAINFUL…. I haven’t had my period yet and no cramps what so ever!!! so I’m happy for that

  53. I am worrying as I only had Mirena fitted Tuesday as persuaded by Dr. I am feeling really dizzy,sick and bloated today. Its only been 48 hours since i had it fitted, but I am already regretting it if this side effect continues! I hoped having it would help relieve my bloated tummy and recent weight gain, but now worried its going to make it worst! Dont know what to do!!!
    Jayne – May 23rd 2013

  54. Thank you so much for this blog!!! I was a perfectly happy woman UNTIL I got this devil device. My fiance’ calls it “the devil.” I’ve been experiencing almost all of the side effects on the mirena site. Unusual hair growth (which I’ve had to have lasered!), contstant bleeding, rupturing ovarian cysts, depression, anxiety, acne… The list goes on and on. My sister, a nurse practitioner, says mirena doesn’t cause these symptoms. I call b.s. Anyways, I’m having it removed in 3 hours!!! Thank heavens!!! It’s been 11 months of constant hell. Thank you for your story 🙂

  55. I have had the mirena for a year now and it has not worked out well except for not getting me pregnant. I am grateful for that fact but the rest I am not happy with. When it was first put in it hurt very much and then after wards the cramping was just terrible. I have bad cramps since my period started but this cramping was different and so painful. I told the doctor and I basically got the rehearsed answer that this was normal and it would go away. I have also had a mood swings and weight gain. I used to go through small depressing moods right before my period but now I cry all the time for no reason. Without the hormones I am normal and I know myself. With these I feel like I have lost the person I used to be. Hopefully when its removed I will go back to normal. I have made an appt to get it removed, so wish me luck.

  56. I’m in the same boat as you. I can’t take anymore of this bleeding so next Friday I’m getting the thing removed. I’m so excited. I got it at the end of march and started bleeding since the end of April and it hasn’t stopped. some days are light and others I’m a fountain. it’s driving me nuts. so three months was enough for me!

  57. I had my Mirena inserted 3 weeks ago. My doctor made it sound like the most glorious procedure ever and that I would absolutely love it. That there was very rarely any hormone related side effects and I would be super happy with it.
    I am very sensitive to ANY hormones. In the three weeks I had it, I was having the muddy bleeding, consistent cramps and bloating, syst-like acne(painful, and less than beautiful), rapid weight gain(10 pounds in less than a month), chronic headaches, disgusting sticky discharge, and internal/external swelling, as well as fatigue.

    I feel terrible, and to top it off, am experiencing intense mood swings. I am not an emotional person. I’ve only cried once in the last year. I’ve cried twice this weeks already. that’s just nuts.
    Since my Doctor did not tell me about any of this, I assumed I was just getting sick or something. I finally realized that I’ve only been feeling terrible since the Mirena was put in, so I decided to do some research.
    The moment I realized this all this was related to the Mirena, I left work and had it removed immediately. I’m so glad it’s over. I’m still very emotional and depressed, and feel chubby, but I am looking forward to all of this bouncing back to normal.

  58. I have had my Mirena since January of 2011..i had my son November 2010…I JUST had it removed today..it was stuck..they tugged several times and it finally came out…felt like they were trying to pull my uterus through my vagina. anyway…. I HATE mirena..I gained 50+ lbs…HORRIBLE acne which I have NEVER had..and instead of stopping my periods..they were super heavy..lasted 7 days(normally 3) and excruciatingly painful. we are going to try to conceive again..the doctor I have is a twit and when I asked how long I should wait to get pregnant he shrugged his shoulders and said “eh”…hello??? how does that help ME? so now we want to conceive right away but we are afraid to. I had it removed an hour ago, the doctor gave me prenatals to start taking. but WOW am I glad its gone..i will NEVER have an IUD again.

    • I have had mirena exactly 9 months. I have had the muddy gunk almost every day since I have had it in minus a day or two here or there. I bleed a few days every few weeks( not even sure if I have even had a normal period) The past month I have had the most extreme hormonal mood swings I’ve ever had with a birth control. I go from depressed to angry to crying and have no motivation to get off the couch or move except when I have to get ready for work. Has anyone found a good birth control besides pill form that has worked since they have had Mirena takin out?

  59. I landed on your page while searching the side effects of the mirena which I had put in a month ago. Now of course this wasn’t the first time I have looked up the side effects as I wanted to be informed before getting it. That said I largely relied on the feedback I got from sister (an OBGYN). A brief conversation and a “You will love it.” Um, not so much. What motivated me to look up side effects again was to read up on the emotional side effects. I’ve been completely out of it; unfocused, feeling out of control and generally depressed. To be fair I’ve always had a bit of a temper, but I’ve avoided other birth control like the pill or other because I know I’m emotionally fragile and didn’t want to add hormones into the mix. The mirena, I was told, releases hormones locally so I shouldn’t have any emotional side effects – again my Dr. sisters response. Right. I just want to say thank you for being honest and open about your experience. I feel a little LESS crazy knowing someone else was feeling how I am now. And kudos to you for putting up a longer fight than me to see if these symptoms subside, but personally a month has been one month too long of feeling this way emotionally (including cramps that feel like contractions and constant bleeding). Thank you again for sharing. I’ve found your sharing your experience more useful than that of any (family or other) medical professionals opinion.

  60. I just read your whole blog, and I’m glad I did though I’m now a little scared. I’m only 16 and since I was 12 I have had horrible periods, like the pain is almost intolerable. I wanted to get birth control to help and my doctor recommended mirena. I’ve never had a kid or anything before but she said it would be fine. She also told me the insertion would be easy but NO. It was honestly the worst pain of my life, worse than my cramps have ever been before. I had light bleeding and spotting the first 4 weeks and I just started my period 2 weeks ago and it hasn’t stopped. My period has never gone on this long and it’s scary. My emotions have been on a roller coaster too, and I feel like I’ve been really sad lately ever since I got it. I haven’t had cramps since I’ve been on my period, but my cramping before (the first 4 weeks) was horrible. I honestly regret getting this but I’m so scared to get it out.

    • Hi Kayla,

      I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this! But the important thing is that you’re aware of everything you’re experiencing and keeping track of it. Keep doing that. Note as many changes as you feel, and everything your body goes through. From what I’ve read (there have been so many comments posted here over the years) some women do find that the Mirena works for them and that their bodies normalize after six months or so. But if that’s not the case for you (it certainly wasn’t for me), it’s okay. Having it removed isn’t painful, and even though you’d be heading back into semi-debilitating periods, at least you’ll know there aren’t extra hormones messing with your body.

      As a side note, I had horrific periods as a teenager and into my early 20s. The first day or two were the worst, and if they hit on a school day I had to stay home because I was keeled over in pain, and throwing up. I was prescribed arthritis meds as well as double-duty tylenol – which helped, but not enough to keep me from dreading my period more than most of my friends. If Mirena had been around then I probably would’ve tried it, too.

      Good luck! And please feel free to write back on here (or email me) if you have any specific questions. I can’t promise to have the answers, but I’m happy to try!


  61. I got my mirena January, 2011, at a health department. I wanted it out that December. I bled or the whole year. Health department said it was the only birth control I could use, given my age (39) and high blood pressure. So I left it in. I’ve never been able to feel my strings. December, 2013, I want it out. Dryness, depression, mood swings, pains, abnormal bleeding, I’ve had enough! Doctor can not find the strings. Sends me to a GYN. January, 2014, after two doctors poke and prod me they decided my wonderful IUD is embedded in my uteran wall. Now I have to have surgery! Every procedure has been painful!!!! Maybe this will be over soon.

  62. I can’t believe it took me so long to figure this out. Your post jumped out at me and everything started to click. I’ve been horribly depressed for about 6 years now. I was deliriously happy after having my first child and it all kinda went downhill from there. Pretty much after having my Mirena put in. Never made the connection and just thought that I wasn’t adjusting well to being a Mom, Lack of sleep, didn’t get enough support, etc. It’s long past time for it to come out, so I finally have some motivation to go get it done. Thank you so much for posting.

  63. Thank you for your blog! I’ve had the Mirena twice (once affter each baby). Let me TRY to make this a short story. The Mirena makes me crazy, hateful, heartless, depresses, angry, bitter, emotional and emotionless all at the same time. With the first insertion I stayed in the office almost 2 hours unable to move bc of the pain. With the second, my blood pressure dropped immediately and I was disoriented. Round 1: it hurt my partner so much it severely affected out love life; it somehow moved and lodged into my uterine wall; I developed ovarian cysts which burst and made me literally black out and fall to the ground in pain while watching my baby! I had it removed and tried the ring (awful BTW). I had terrible depression and emotional issues. I saw a psychologist AND a psychiatrist regularly. I was told I was bi-polar… Yet when I attended support meetings for it I felt I didn’t belong there; my problems were different. But what do I know right? I’m not the Dr. Baby #2 came along and I decided to give Mirena another chance. After all, I never got a period while it was in and I told myself I had just had a ‘one in a million bad experience’. I felt this time would be better. Wrong. I’m at the heaviest I’ve been in my life including both my pregnancies! I don’t know who I am. I know that the real me is super mom, that I’m a SAHM who does it all with a smile on my face and I’m truly happy staying busy with my family… But that’s not who I am right now. I don’t cook, or clean or buy groceries any more. My relationship is on the fritz. I say hateful, hurtful things even to my children. I remember when the baby was starting to walk and he fell down hard on his face and cried so hard he couldn’t breath… He was looking at me in years to save him and I stayed sitting down. I told my child ‘what? Get up’. Totally emotionless, who is this MONSTER! My daughter said she didn’t like her body and do you know what I said?! If you didn’t eat so much you wouldn’t be so chubby. To my firstgrader!!!!!! Do you see what I mean? That’s not me. I’m an amazing mom and this thing is ruining me.

    But lets put all that aside (if it were possible) and talk about two bigger problems. Much bigger.

    #1 Between baby 1 & 2 I had a miscarriage. In the ER they did an ultrasound but baby was gone.. what they did find was it was an ectopic pregnancy and told me I would have miscarried no matter what. I’m just finding out that that is a side effect of this Mirena.

    #2 My beautiful son has a birth defect- also a Mirena side effect. From birth his eye has been ‘lazy’. He’s 2 now and we’ve seen many top specialists about it. Thank God we live close to Houston! It turns out his eye turns AND he cannot see out of it! Surgery will not give him his vision back. There is no history of eye problems on either side of the family ever. He’s had test after test, visit after visit. The only answer I’ve gotten from his Harvard educated specialist is ‘its extremely rare but sometimes it happens’. I don’t think so. My pregnancy was healthy, I BF for 2 gears, I took vitamins.. I did everything right. Research is showing me that the Mirena can cause birth defects in subsequent pregnancies.

    I found your blog while researching attorney’s for my experience. I see that in many of the comments women have no kids and are doing fine but plan of having children later. My advice? Take it out. I will forever have to witness my strong, healthy, brilliant, handsome son struggle. There’s no hurt like seeing your child hurt. None.


  64. I’m getting it out tomorrow. I wish it had continued to be great as my earlier postings had been but it hasn’t 😦

    I’m just past the 2 year mark and I developed heart palpitations, anxiety attacks, depression, really bad acne and my hair is falling out so much that I’m tempted to shave it all off and it’s shoulder length.

    Any sex drive is completely out the window and it feels like a task to do anything. I’m tired all the time and cry often.

    It’s coming out at 9:15 tomorrow morning.

  65. Wow…I had mirena inserted two days ago on the 3rd day of a usually 5 day period there are no signs of it stopping, and I feel like sh*t. The doc talked it up but after doing some research that i found to be terrifying and reading this, I found out some factors that would have discouraged me from going along with her. I thougt mirena was the answer. I’m in the military and my schedule is usually ridiculous and I’m not ready to have a baby anytime soon… long story short I’m so ready to get this thing out to eliminate future terrors and it’s only been 2 days!!! My boyfriend doesn’t get it, obviously my boss could probably care less and I’m very irritatedand moody. Maybe I just needed to vent…anyway thank you for sharing your story.

  66. I had my Mirena removed this morning. I had only had it in for 6 months, but that was long enough to realize it turned me into a completely different person. I had previous anxiety and depression spurts but it hit me hard after having Mirena inserted. I had no energy or desire to do anything. My eating habits stayed the same but I somehow put on 7 pounds in the 6 months (my original pills I had been on for 4 years never caused me to gain weight). Somehow I felt I could constantly feel the IUD with my constant abdominal pain and bloating. I sleep on my stomach and by doing so, I could feel it jab into sides I had more pressure on.. no bueno.

    But the absolute WORST side effect? The SEVERE cystic acne I developed over my ENTIRE face. I’ve always suffered from mild hormonal acne but wow. It was never ending, painful and embarrassing.

    So between the weight gain and my acne.. no wonder my depression was at an all time high.

    After having it removed only 4 hours ago, I have no more abdominal cramping or pain and will return to my normal BC pills.

    I know symptoms depend all on the person, but boy am I happy to have it out. I can’t wait to see how much better I feel time from now.

  67. Thank you for your frank account associated with this rotton mirena. Iv only had it 6 days and I feel I’m going crackers! Gggrr
    Kind regards

  68. Congratulations for yall. I removed mine after four and a half years because of lawsuit. Tried since to get pregnant and no results. I don’t think I can anymore but it’s hard for me to explain to my husband. Any comments on how?

  69. Thanks for sharing your experiences once your IUD was removed.

  70. Mirena was suggested at my annual appt today because I have severely painful periods. I miss a day of work every cycle. I am hesitant about BC in general due to the side effects. Mirena was more ideal than having to take a pill everyday. I have no kids and am currently not sexually active. I just wanted to thank you for still keeping this site up and provide a venue for information to be shared. This site has allowed my decision to be made much easier.

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